Directed by Ken Wolf

Jennifer Pierro and Laura Shoop

Jennifer Pierro

Jennifer Pierro and Laura Shoop

Theresa Della Valle as THE WITCH!

Picture by Bob Greenberg

Witchland by Tim Mulligan

Directed by Ken Wolf

Dave Silberger, Mars Holscher, and Geoffrey Grady

Dave Silberger, Mars Holscher, and Geoffrey Grady

Nina Randazzo and Mars Holscher

Theresa Della Valle, Dave Silberger & Chelsea Clark

Theresa Della Valle as THE WITCH

"For anyone serious about their craft, Ken Wolf’s Playwright’s Reading Room series is a great step in the development process. There’s nothing like hearing your work read by a team of actors to gain insights on pacing, clarity and flow. Ken creates a supportive and motivational environment that’s as instructive as it is fun."  - Iyna Caruso - Playwright

Come join the original Playwright's Reading Room if you want to bring your play to the next level, and have fun in the process too!

Get productive and constructive feedback on your work as it is read by some of Manhattan Rep’s best actors.

Learn some important production insights into your writing that no one else teaches, and so much more!

Self-Produce a production of your best written play in New York City, or anywhere in the world! We will do all the work, from hiring a production team and staff, to casting, directing, costume design, set design, lighting design, and more.

Maybe you are submitting your plays in the wrong way. A way that will push theatres and producers away from reading your work. Maybe your submission materials are poorly put together, or your submission simply looks like spam?


We are always seeking production staff: Actors, Directors, Design Team, Technicians and House Staff, so we are building an Artist Work Database to use for the various productions we build. Click on the button below. Fill out the form or forms which work for what you do, and we will reach out first to this database when building a Production Team.

Need some help writing your play?

"Ken is a wonderful, gentle coach who will support you at every step of the creative process. Writing can be an incredibly isolating, solitary pursuit. Without having someone to interact with your work and hold you accountable to deadlines, it can feel as if you aren't making the progress you should be. My decision to work with Ken feels like a meaningful investment in myself and my play. Ken's long-term professional experience in acting, writing and producing makes him an excellent resource to you. He has the capacity to view your work from many different lenses and provide you with advice that best helps convey your story and makes it viable for production. Not to mention, he is seriously passionate about your work and will treat it with the utmost kindness as he challenges you to take it further. All in all, I am very happy with my decision to work with Ken."

Claudia Wasielewska - Playwright

So you have this idea for a play and you just can’t get it down on paper, or get it into any sort of shape that works?

Or are you stuck? And you just can't finish that play?

Get some professional help and finally write that play!

If you are serious about your playwriting, get some powerful constructive criticism and actionable next steps on your plays to help you bring your work to the next level!

Get some help connecting to theatres to get your plays produced. Learn new ways to submit and connect.

Learn a strategy and on-going workflow to get your work read and produced.



"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

- Theodore Roosevelt -